Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Meeting

The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association welcomes you to their information meetings this Thursday, January 18th from 1-5pm. The Agenda is as follows: Introductions: Leon Lueke District 8 Director “Importance of trace mineral nutrition”  presented by...

Managing Integrated Livestock, Feed, and Crop Production Systems

On March 7th, Dr. Bart Lardner will provide learnings from his decades of research regarding extensive grazing systems and Duane Thompson will share real-life experiences from managing integrated livestock, feed, and crop production systems at the Tee Two Land and...

Lethbridge County Nutrient Management Webinar Day 3

Lethbridge County is proud to present a free three-day Nutrient Management Webinar series. To register, click on the link at the bottom of the page. Day 3 Agenda Manure Spreading on Snow (Trevor Wallace – Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation) NRCB Process for...

Lethbridge County Nutrient Management Webinar Day 2

Lethbridge County is proud to present a free three-day Nutrient Management Webinar series. To register, click on the link at the bottom of the page. Day 2 Agenda: Remote Management and Monitoring Rotationally Grazed Pastures and Cattle (Laio Silva Sobrinho, Research...